Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Let's be true to our feelings.

Feeling is what we can tell, like: I feel tired, I love you, I hate you, etc. Seriously, I am so sick of you! This is my feelings to be tell. I am always hoping that you can be more considerate a bit!!! Stop boasting about yourself!!! I am sick of it! Seriously! Everything that you boast about yourself are just reminding us how good you are, how are you sacrificing yourself to help us out... but what's the point?! The others are also helping a lot okay? You are not the only one who contribute, okay?! I am sure of it!

Next, stop teasing people! The way you tease is a bad one!!! I am sick of how you are teasing people, A LOT!!! People are like teasing for fun, but you are like teasing the same thing over and over again just to remind people about the things they don't like. YOU'RE BAD.

And everytime when we are 'disscusing' things, you keep wanting people to agree with you badly, not thinking about the cause after following your 'instruction'. I HATE IT. NOW YOU SEE, THINGS ARE BECOMING SO BAD AFTER LISTENING TO YOUR 'LOVELY' ADVISES BUT NOT OURS.

Ahhhhhhh fine, everything had passed. I mention again just because I don't know why are you acting like this. That's it.


Back to say Merry Christmas :3

After a long time not updating my blog, I am back.
Sorry for not keeping my promises to update my blog after the camp.
I thought that camp is fun but not. It's tiring, and yet, nerve-wracking.
I sincerely hate this person to the end of my life even thou I know hating a person isn't nice at all.
So I'll try not to hate this person but thanks to him because I think I am growing a lot from the work this person gave and those mischievous and stupid action he does. Duh.
I sincerely think that all he does everyday is eat eat and eat. If not how come he has such a big stomach? Hahahahaha. Laugh hard to this!
Sorry for making all of my post become so lame and boring without photo because I haven't selfie now. Even if i did, all of them are seriously look like shit. No face to put it on here hahah.

Okay now yesterday was Christmas eve and I think every enjoy hard right? But here's the bad news.
A Physics teacher, Mr. Seow Tian Pow, from my school, Jit Sin High School, passed away because of heart attack. It is shocking as I scroll through the homepage of my Facebook and everyone updated their status about this. How sad. He still haven't teach me before! Why he is passing away just like that? Some says God wants a genius do He took away Mr. Seow. My homepage is almost full with how fun his lessons were, how nice a person he was, and so on...... OH MY GOD REST IN PEACE TEACHER SEOW TIAN POW!!! I swear I will study hard for my Physics!!! Bye Bye Teacher Seow. TT

Okay now back to my original topic: Merry Chirstmas!!!
It's 25th of December now and guess what? It's almost the time to go "BACK TO SCHOOL"!!!
argggghhhhh I hate going back to school to face books and lame teachers. But what to do? I am facing SPM next year, no time for complaining larhhhh.
Okay lah anyway I am a Malaysian so 3am means I MUST BE ON THE BED SNORING NOW hahah. But who knows I am still updating my blog hahahahah.
Okay GOODNITES earthlings :)


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Get Ready

Busy busy busy blablablabla :> to all my dear Readers, I am going participate in a camp during 6-9 December 2013 so no blog updates yo :D hahaha don't be sad cuz I will be back soon yo :) And I will update interesting things happen during the camp so no worries so far hehehehe :D

Dear Readers, maintaining a blog is not an easy work. I ignored my blog for a long time before and I try to work hard for this comeback so I hope I can gain some support from you guys :p

Goodnight :)

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Don't you know that HURTS? :(

拜托谁没有情绪 请你不要把你的情绪放在关心你和担心失去你的好朋友身上不能吗
所以现在是谁有错 要让你这样 理也不理我们一下 我告诉你 只要是走活动就会有不开心的时候 你没有理由把你的不开心全换成脾气在迁怒在关心你的朋友的身上啊 你知道的 她很担心你 你要么就不要让她伤心 告诉她 她哪里伤到你的了让你脾气大发

你知道吗 我了解你的伤心 真的 我明白啊 这种事情看你的表情就知道你在生气吧 可是你如果不要摊出来说的话 肯定不只是你会受伤 猜猜看 还有谁会受伤 答案是 是关心你的都回受伤 你知道吗 关心你的人 你不理她 她哭了你都不知道啊

现在换一个情况吧 那位很关心你的朋友是你 然后你是那位很关心你的朋友 请问 你能尝试看了解她的心情了吗 不用说 我知道 你一定做不到吧 你的朋友她太心软了你知道吗 我问你 她有因为什么事情而不理睬你吗 你很过分你知道吗 刻意不理睬她 连知道你发生什么事的朋友都想着在帮你 你不知道吧

哦对了 你肯定哭过 我对你很失望 朋友的信任你给了吗 他们的心情你了解了吗 这次你是主席 所以你才会怪那些没有责任感的人

你的立场我想过了 如果今天换做是我 我一定也会很伤心 一定也会哭 而且一定会比你惨很多 可是如今 你又想过吗 你这样不理人 是会把事情都弄好吗 你这样不理人 别人就会了解你再想什么吗 你就慢等吧 或许你这样情绪化 可能还会害到活动走不下去 你要这样吗 好嘛 我尊重你的选择 你不要后悔 加油

You're so mean. There's nothing more I can help you for. Hope everything is good for you and don't mess up our project with your emotions. Because that's childish. Very childish. I mean it, really really mean it. Think about it again, don't mess them up.